Monday, 1 February 2016

Your thoughts on V/N/044 and D/056

I thought it would be nice to share some statistics with you relating to some feedback we received after our surveys on V/N/044 and D/056. 

Over a week-long period, we emailed all users of the rooms, asking them to complete an online survey of their experience in the room on that day and give their feelings on our concept designs for the room.

D/056 (Derwent)
We want to replace the rows of traditional and worn-out tablet chairs with two levels of tiered seating and larger tables to aid a collaborative style of learning.

D/056 as it looks now
How it could look

Survey feedback

The pie charts show that our proposal is favourable compared to the current space, although it has raised some comments which we will take on board for the next stage of design.

V/N/044 (Vanbrugh)
Our concept design for V/N/044 keeps a similar table layout to the existing configuration, but introduces diagonal tables to create an open horseshoe shape.

V/N/044 as it looks now

Our proposed layout

Survey feedback

Again, the pie charts look positive, although we did have fewer respondents to this survey.

What next?
The refurbishment of these rooms is scheduled for after Easter and into the Summer Term, so there’s still time to have your say and help to shape these learning spaces. Just email your thoughts to

Steve Jackson Learning Spaces Designer/Project Manager
Space Management